
The Ultimate Guide to Hypertension and How it Affects the Body?

Hypertension: Hypertension or high blood pressure is a well known medical condition. It can cause serious health problems and increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and even death. What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. Arteries are vessels that convey blood from your …

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Tuberculosis treatment of children, adults and pregnant women.

Tuberculosis treatment of children, adults and pregnant women.

Tuberculosis Treatment: After the diagnosis of tuberculosis we move towards to tuberculosis treatments, which mainly involves, Tuberculosis Drugs (Mainly Antibiotics) and Tuberculosis Vaccine for Active Tuberculosis Disease. When left untreated, latent tuberculosis infection can swiftly turn into Active Tuberculosis Disease  specially in HIV-positive individuals since their immune systems are already compromised. Additionally, TB disease has …

Tuberculosis treatment of children, adults and pregnant women. Read More »


What are the Tuberculosis diagnosis & Tuberculosis risk factors?

Tuberculosis Diagnosis: Depending on the type of TB suspected, a variety of tests are used to make the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). If a medical professional suspects you have TB, they may recommend testing and treatment from a TB expert. To read complete detail about Tuberculosis click here Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: It can be …

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What is Tuberculosis (TB) & Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, its Spread, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes and Type of Tuberculosis.

What is Tuberculosis (TB): A person contracts tuberculosis (TB) by breathing in microscopic droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze. Although it mostly affects the lungs, it can also have an impact on the stomach (abdomen), glands, bones, and nervous system. Although TB is a potentially serious infection, it is curable when treated with …

What is Tuberculosis (TB) & Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, its Spread, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes and Type of Tuberculosis. Read More »


The Best Way of Battling Erectile Dysfunction Using Cenforce

The Best Way of Battling Erectile Dysfunction Using Cenforce: There are many ways to deal with erectile dysfunction. You can try Cenforce, the Vacuum pump method, Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, and the Male hormone, but if none of these work for you, it might be time to try something new. Read on to discover the best way …

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What is vitiligo, its pathogenesis, types, diagnosis, complications, prevention and treatment.

What is Vitiligo? Depigmented macules that are the result of melanocytes being damaged and destroyed are the hallmark of the acquired, idiopathic condition known as vitiligo. Although the condition can strike at any age, 50% of people develop it before the age of 20. Description of  Vitiligo? Long-lasting vitiligo causes the skin to develop pale …

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Dark circle under the eye, causes, prevention, risk factors and its treatment.

Dark circle under the eye, causes, prevention, risk factors and its treatment.

What are dark circle under the eye? When the skin under both of your eyes appears darker than usual, you have dark circles under your eyes. It differs from bruising around one eye following an accident or redness and swelling brought on by an infection in one eye. Typically, dark circles under the eyes are …

Dark circle under the eye, causes, prevention, risk factors and its treatment. Read More »

What is gum recession, its causes, preventive measure, sign to diagnose and its treatment.

What is gum recession, its causes, preventive measure, sign to diagnose and its treatment.

What is Gum Recession? Gum recession is a condition where more of the tooth or the tooth’s root is visible due to the gum tissue’s edge wearing away or pulling back. When gums recede, “pockets,” or spaces, create between the teeth and gum line, which makes it probable for disease-causing germs to accumulate, this is known as …

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Lumpy Skin Disease, its causes, sign & symptoms, prevention and its treatment

Lumpy Skin Disease, its causes, sign & symptoms, prevention and its treatment.

What is Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)? Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) is a viral ailment caused by the Capri poxvirus that has emerged as a global concern to livestock. It shares genetics with the goat and sheep pox viruses. Lumpy skin disease is an infectious, eruptive, and sometimes lethal disease that causes nodules on the skin …

Lumpy Skin Disease, its causes, sign & symptoms, prevention and its treatment. Read More »

Myalgia (Muscle pain), its etiology, sign & symptoms, types, diagnosis and its therapeutics.

Myalgia (Muscle pain), its etiology, sign & symptoms, types, diagnosis and its therapeutics.

What is Myalgia (Muscle Pain): In medical term “Myalgia” is referred as muscle pain. Muscle aches and pains that can affect ligaments, tendons, and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs, are referred to as tendonitis. Myalgia can be caused by a variety of things, including injuries, trauma, overuse, tension, certain medicines, …

Myalgia (Muscle pain), its etiology, sign & symptoms, types, diagnosis and its therapeutics. Read More »