Pharmacy mcqs with answers for Pharmacist, Assistant Pharmacist, PPSC, FPSC, DHA, NAPLEX, SPLE, PEBC etc. preparation. (Set 07)

Pharmacy mcqs with answers for Pharmacist, Assistant Pharmacist, PPSC, FPSC, DHA, NAPLEX, SPLE, PEBC etc. preparation. (Set 07)


Q: 301

The recommended daily intake (RDI) of folate (vitamin B9) for adults is?

  1. 250 micrograms
  2. 400 micrograms
  3. 10 milligram
  4. 20 milligrams

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 302

The IDEAL properties of an ANTACID include all of the following except one. Identify which one?

  1. it should be orally absorbable
  2. it should not cause laxation or constipation
  3. it should be insoluble and rapidly neutralize acid
  4. it should not cause systemic alkalosis

Correct Answer is 1

Q: 303

The property that is NOT exhibited by flocculated suspensions is?

  1. forms soft cake
  2. forms non-porous sediment
  3. the rate of sedimentation is high
  4. the volume of sediment is high

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 304

A DVT patient is to be given heparin. The available product in pharmacy is the 500 ml bag of heparin infusion solution that contains 100 IU per ml. The weight of the patient is 80 kg and she should receive 18 units/kg/hour as per the order of the medical practitioner. How many milliliters of this solution should the patient receive in two hours?

  1. 14.4
  2. 28.8
  3. 38.7
  4. 32.9

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 305

In sugar-coating of tablets, primarily which sugar is used?

  1. mannitol
  2. lactose
  3. sucrose
  4. maltose
  5. glucose

Correct Answer is 3


Q: 306

A critical cardiac patient is admitted to the hospital whose cholesterol level is being checked and is found to be 6.4 millimoles per liter. Convert this cholesterol level into mg/dL given the molecular weight of cholesterol is 387.

  1. 2.4768 mg/dL
  2. 24.768 mg/dL
  3. 247.68 mg/dL
  4. 2476.8 mg/dL

Correct Answer is 3

Q: 307

Milk of magnesia is?

  1. magnesium hydroxide
  2. magnesium oxide
  3. magnesium carbonate
  4. magnesium chloride

Correct Answer is 1

Q: 308

Substances that absorb moisture from the atmosphere gets dissolved in the absorbed moisture and forms aqueous solution are termed as?

  1. hydrophilic
  2. efflorescent
  3. hygroscopic
  4.  humectant
  5. deliquescent

Correct Answer is 5

Q: 309

A 45-year-old lady is hospitalized for a certain ailment. She weighs 90 kilos and her serum creatinine was found to be 0.4 mg/dL. Find out the creatinine clearance?

  1. 180 ml/min
  2. 252 ml/min
  3. 328 ml/min
  4. 360 ml/min

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 310

Systemic antacids get absorbed from the GIT and will produce systemic alkalosis. The example of systemic antacids is?

  1. aluminum phosphate gel
  2. magnesium trisilicate
  3. sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
  4. sodium bicarbonate

Correct Answer is 4


Q: 311

A graft between individuals that belongs to different species is referred to as?

  1. isograft
  2. xenograft
  3. autograft
  4. homograft

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 312

From the suggested choices, choose the one that correctly reflects the ionic changes which will result from the impaired functioning of the plasma membrane Na-K-ATPase pump?

  1. increased Na+ inside the cell and decreased K+ outside the cell
  2. increased Na+ inside the cell and increased K+ outside the cell
  3. decreased Na+ inside the cell and increased K+ outside the cell
  4. increased Na+ outside the cell and decreased K+ inside the cell

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 313

Identify the lipoprotein that is largest in size?

  1. ULDL
  2. VLDL
  3. IDL
  4. LDL
  5. HDL

Correct Answer is 1

Q: 314

Hard gelatin capsules are available in how many sizes?

  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 8
  4. 10

Correct Answer is 3

Q: 315

Regarding the anatomy and physiology of the heart, choose the one statement that is NOT CORRECT?

  1. ventricular myocardium is thicker as compared to the atrial myocardium
  2. depolarization of the SA node involves the influx of calcium ions
  3. electrical activity in the heart starts with depolarization of the AV node
  4. Purkinje fibers are specialized in the fast conduction of electrical impulses
  5. the natural pacemaker of the heart is the SA node

Correct Answer is 3

Q: 316

P-wave on ECG represents?

  1. atrial depolarization
  2. atrial repolarization
  3. major ventricular depolarization
  4. basal ventricular depolarization
  5. ventricular repolarization

Correct Answer is 1

Q: 317

The temperature and time requirement in vat pasteurization is?

  1. 42°C for 15 minutes
  2. 63°C for 30 minutes
  3. 68°C for 15 minutes
  4. 100°C for 1 minute
  5. 72°C for 15 seconds

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 318

A cell will become swollen and finally burst when placed in a?

  1. saturated solution
  2. hypertonic solution
  3. hypotonic solution
  4. isotonic solution
  5. supersaturated solution

Correct Answer is 3

Q: 319

A solution that contains gas as solute and liquid or solid as solvent is called as?

  1. aerosol
  2. suspension
  3. foam
  4. gel
  5. colloid

Correct Answer is 3


Q: 320

The nitrogenous base cytosine in nucleic acids is paired with its complementary base guanine through?

  1. single covalent bond
  2. carbon-carbon double bond
  3. carbon-carbon triple bond
  4. double hydrogen bonds
  5. triple hydrogen bonds

Correct Answer is 5

Q: 321

Apart from the active ingredient(s), vaccines contain very small amounts of other ingredients as excipients. The excipients that help create a stronger immune response in the recipient of the vaccine are called as?

  1. stabilizers
  2. adjuvants
  3. cell culture materials
  4. residual antibiotics
  5. mRNA

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 322

The main part of the brain that is responsible for the maintenance of posture and balance is?

  1. pons
  2. medulla
  3. cerebrum
  4. cerebellum
  5. cerebral cortex

Correct Answer is 4

Q: 323

One normal cardiac cycle consists of complete contraction and relaxation of both the atria and ventricles. This cycle lasts for approximately how much time?

  1. 0.2 seconds
  2. 0.8 seconds
  3. 2 seconds
  4. 8 seconds

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 324

Point out the statement from the following that is NOT CORRECT in relevance to creams vs. ointment comparison?

  1. creams contain more water as compared to ointments
  2. ointments feel more greasy on the skin than creams
  3. ointments are preferred over creams in case of dry skin
  4. the onset of action of ointment is slower than cream
  5. creams are preferred over ointments for small skin surface area application

Correct Answer is 5

Q: 325

The only amino acid in which instead of the side chain R-group, a simple hydrogen atom is present is?

  1. alanine
  2. glycine
  3. leucine
  4. proline
  5. valine

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 326

During normal aerobic cellular respiration, maximum how many ATP molecules are produced from a single molecule of glucose?

  1. 28
  2. 38
  3. 47
  4. 56

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 327

Comparing characteristics of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, the statement that is NOT CORRECT is?

  1. g+ve bacteria have more lipids in their cell wall
  2. the toxins produced by g+ve bacteria are primarily exotoxins
  3. lipopolysaccharides content is higher in g-ve bacteria
  4. peptidoglycan layer is thicker in g+ve bacteria
  5. porins proteins are present in g-ve bacteria

Correct Answer is 1

Q: 328

An example of an inorganic solvent is?

  1. methanol
  2. ethyl acetate
  3. ammonia
  4. diethyl ether
  5. chloroform

Correct Answer is 3

Q: 329

The veracity of which one statement among the following is doubtful?

  1. heparin is produced both by basophils and mast cells in our bodies
  2. insulin and glucagon function opposite to each other
  3. disintegration test does not apply to capsules 
  4. antibodies contain disulfide bonds in their structure
  5. alcohol and fatty acids combination yields waxes

Correct Answer is 3

Q: 330

On ECG, the corresponding waveform is masked for?

  1. atrial depolarization
  2. atrial repolarization
  3. major ventricular depolarization
  4. basal ventricular depolarization
  5. ventricular repolarization

Correct Answer is 2


Q: 331

Jaundice symptoms include?

  1. yellowish skin and eyeballs
  2. dark urine
  3. weight loss
  4. itchiness
  5. all of the above

Correct Answer is 5

Q: 332

Based on the knowledge of epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs, identify the one statement that is WRONG?

  1. antiseizure medications only suppress and do not prevent epilepsy
  2. phenytoin sodium should never be given intramuscularly
  3. phenobarbital is one of the metabolites of primidone
  4. absence seizures are examples of partial seizures
  5. zonisamide is contraindicated in sulfonamide-hypersensitive patients

Correct Answer is 4

Q: 333

The term nephrolithiasis refers to?

  1. inflammation of nephrons
  2. high lithium concentration in urine
  3. kidney stones formation
  4. urinary tract obstruction
  5. kidney transplant

Correct Answer is 3

Q: 334

Taken together, cimetidine will increase benzodiazepines levels in our bodies by inhibiting cytochrome P450 enzymes. This interaction is least likely to occur with which benzodiazepine?

  1. alprazolam
  2. midazolam
  3. clonazepam
  4. temazepam

Correct Answer is 4

Q: 335

Alpha-1A receptor blocker is?

  1. tamsulosin
  2. phenoxybenzamine
  3. yohimbine
  4. scopolamine

Correct Answer is 1

Q: 336

The statement that is WRONG about Nitrous Oxide is?

  1. has analgesic activity
  2. unable to create general anesthesia
  3. more soluble in blood than desflurane
  4. its chemical formula is N₂O
  5. has slow induction and recovery time

Correct Answer is 5

Q: 337

Point out the WRONG match?

  1. methanol: wood alcohol
  2. vitamin B9: biotin
  3. washing soda: sodium carbonate
  4. hyoscine: scopolamine
  5. bromocriptine: dopamine agonist

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 338

One of the following is NOT a feature of pharmacological antagonism?

  1. competitive antagonist shifts the agonist curve to the right
  2. non-competitive antagonist shifts the agonist dose-response curve downward
  3. different doses of competitive antagonist won’t change agonist curve slope
  4. non-competitive antagonist does not compete for the binding site of the agonist
  5. competitive antagonist reduces the maximum efficacy of the agonist

Correct Answer is 5

Q: 339

Pilocarpine causes?

  1. increased gastric motility
  2. increased urination
  3. constriction of the pupils
  4. decreased heart rate
  5. all of the above

Correct Answer is 5

Q: 340

The fact about whooping cough that is incorrect is?

  1. the causative culprit is Bordetella pertussis
  2. the incubation period is 2 to 3 hours
  3. for the treatment macrolides are prescribed
  4. to protect against it Tdap and DTaP vaccines are given
  5. a highly contagious disease only found in humans

Correct Answer is 2


Q: 341

Medications as a side effect can increase uric acid levels in the blood and thus lead to a gout attack. Which one of the following drugs will increase the uric acid level the most?

  1. niacin
  2. aspirin
  3. chlorthalidone
  4. cyclosporine
  5. levodopa

Correct Answer is 3

Q: 342

The single ingested dose of acetaminophen which may result in severe liver damage and emergency hospitalization is?

  1. >80 mg/kg
  2. >150 mg/kg
  3. >250 mg/kg
  4. >400 mg/kg
  5. >500 mg/kg

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 343

The following statements correctly describe isoprenaline except?

  1. a structural derivate of epinephrine
  2. acts almost exclusively on beta receptors
  3. also known as isoproterenol
  4. has positive inotropic and chronotropic effects
  5. none of the above

Correct Answer is 5

Q: 344

Each of the drugs mentioned below is anticancerous. Which one is an alkylating agent?

  1. busulfan
  2. irinotecan
  3. fludarabine
  4. doxorubicin
  5. vinorelbine

Correct Answer is 1

Q: 345

Based on the knowledge of the pharmacy profession, identify the statement among the following that is INCORRECT?

  1. a mixture of NH₄Cl and NH₄OH acts as a buffer solution
  2. acidic buffers have a pH value below 7
  3. acid is a proton donor according to Lewis theory
  4. adding a small amount of acid or base the pH of buffer solution changes slightly
  5. a mixture of a weak acid and its salt is a buffer solution

Correct Answer is 3

Q: 346

Jaundice occurs when the bilirubin level of blood rises beyond the normal value while other health complications develop when bilirubin levels fall below the normal limit. The normal range of bilirubin concentration in blood for adults is?

  1. 0.2 to 1.2 mg/dL
  2. 4 to 8 mg/dL
  3. 12 to 18 mg/dL
  4. 40 to 80 mg/dL
  5. 140 to 180 mg/dL

Correct Answer is 1

Q: 347

A doctor prescribed sodium polystyrene sulfonate for a patient with kidney failure. This drug is used to?

  1. treat high levels of potassium in the blood
  2. treat low levels of sodium in the blood
  3. treat high levels of uric acid in the blood
  4. treat low levels of potassium in the blood
  5. treat high levels of calcium in the blood

Correct Answer is 1

Q: 348

Maillard reaction involves the interaction between?

  1. sugars and sugars
  2. sugars and amino acids
  3. sugars and fatty acids
  4. amino acids and fatty acids
  5. esters and acids

Correct Answer is 2

Q: 349

Tamoxifen, Raloxifene, and other selective estrogen receptor modulators are chemotherapy agents used for the prophylaxis of breast cancer. Which supplement is recommended and thus useful in decreasing the risk of breast cancer in women?

  1. vitamin B12
  2. omega-3 fatty acids
  3. vitamin A
  4. iron
  5. vitamin D

Correct Answer is 5

Q: 350

Which ECG wave denotes ventricular depolarization?

  1. P-wave
  2. PR interval
  3. QRS complex
  4. ST segment
  5. T-wave

Correct Answer is 3



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